Customize your termux By yourself Easily



How to customise termux by ourself without any tools 

                            I think the most readers of this post will be an Linux Enthusiast or Ethical Hacker or command line lover , One of the best terminal application for Android is Termux which is an linux environment terminal app which allows us to use linux commands and use them easily.

                            The default look of termux terminal is not that good and it dont looks nice and it has only an ($) and which will be boring and you will not know which directory youre currently in and this make you feel frustrated
If you like anything surely you will do something so to make our termux command line more attractive and makes look good to your eyes we are going to customise our termux terminal by ourself below are the following step by step procedures to Do that 

Step 1: Removing the welcome message

Whenever you open the termux app newly you will get a welcome message like this consists of some packages and repos but it doesnt require for us so we are going to remove this from our terminal and even if we open new session also this messages comes , so this is an unwanted one to remove this do the following command

touch .hushlogin

This command will create an .hushlogin file and when you open an new session you can see there will no welcome message , at the beginning so we have successfully removed the welcome message



From that image we can see that there is no welcome message.

Step 2: Move to the etc directory  

                                We must move to etc directory and we need to edit the bash.bashrc file so to move to etc directory and edit follow the below commands 

cd .. 

cd usr/etc 

nano bash.bashrc

Now type nano bash.bashrc to edit the bashrc file and add your name and customize it by yourself

Step 3: Editing the bash.bashrc file

                                 Once you open the bash.bashrc file delete the line that starts with PS1 and replace with the text below 

Press ctrl+k to remove that line keep on that line and delete that line 

Then after deleting that line add this in your file 

1) toilet  -f  slant  {your name}

2) echo 

3) PS1='yourname@termux[${PWD/*\//}]~# '

After you typed the given things in that bash.bashrc file now we can save and exit the file

To save the file - ctrl+s
To exit the file  -  ctrl+x

Once you save and exit now your terminal is ready now you can see the new terminal look by swiping left and create a new session now youll see an awesome terminal look like the image below

The Terminal will get an look like this and youll get an present working directory in which directory youre working and you get no confusion during working 

Hope you like this blog i will come up with more termux blogs like this 

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