Want to watch Star Wars movie in Termux ?

1) Starwars: Want to watch StarWars in termux ? Just type:

$ telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

2) Shorten Lengthy Command: want to change lengthy command and want to short it down ? Use aliases
Add all aliases to your .bashrc so that they remain permanent. Like we used sudo apt-get install to install packages we can slim it done by defining an alias in our bashrc like

$ alias install = 'apt-get install'

3) Fortune Messages: Make your terminal output you random fortune messages. On a termux do:

$ apt-get install fortune
$ fortune

4) Cowsay Message : Make your sentences typed to say from cow , funny package just use it 

$ pkg install Cowsay
$ cowsay  ( any sentence )

5) Current Weather: What about the knowing the current weather of any city around the world.
In your termux, just type:

$ curl http://wttr.in/your_city_name

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