Python tutorial #2

Simple Operations

Python has the capability of carrying out calculations.
Enter a calculation directly into the Python console, and it will output the answer.
>>> 2 + 2
>>> 5 + 4 - 3
The space are left for readability and the code works even without the spaces.
Python also carries out multiplication and division, using an asterisk to indicate multiplication and a forward slash to indicate division.
Use parentheses to determine which operations are performed first.
>>> 2 * (3 + 4)
>>> 10 / 2

The minus sign indicates a negative number.
Operations are performed on negative numbers, just as they are on positive ones.
 >>> -7
>>> (-7 + 2) * (-4)
As you saw previously, dividing any two integers produces a float.
A float is also produced by running an operation on two floats, or on a float and an integer.
>>> 8 / 2
>>> 6 * 7.0
>>> 4 + 1.65
A float can be added to an integer, because Python silently converts the integer to a float. However, this implicit conversion is the exception rather the rule in Python - usually you have to convert values manually if you want to operate on them.

Besides addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, Python also supports exponentiation, which is the raising of one number to the power of another. This operation is performed using two asterisks.
>>> 2**5
>>> 9 ** (1/2)
Quotient & Remainder
To determine the quotient and remainder of a division, use the floor division and modulo operators, respectively.
Floor division is done using two forward slashes.
The modulo operator is carried out with a percent symbol (%).
These operators can be used with both floats and integers.

This code shows that 6 goes into 20 three times, and the remainder when 1.25 is divided by 0.5 is 0.25. 
>>> 20 // 6
>>> 1.25 % 0.5